Objectives of the project
Project seeks to create opportunities for active involvement of young city citizens into process of sustainable urban transport policy development. This can be achieved by creating and testing youth participative planning model for transport policies and future transport systems. Social engagement in entire urban planning domain is insufficient and neglected by those who are in power of making decisions on urban transport.
Regional and local authorities are continually executing new EU transport policies but leave no margin for public commitment. European communities have an absolute right to influence policy making process and to be a contributing partner in discussion on various mobility aspects in their cities. In order to obtain these ambitious goals, the dialogues with decision makers and relevant actors have to be established first.
Past European experiences show that youth can be the most efficient and committed social group pushing awareness rising process ahead and acting as a great medium in communication with the rest of the society. Youth can provide genuine testimonial of accession to transport issues and become successful multipliers for the message of clean and sustainable transport policies. Therefore, project will take an advantage on youngsters' creativity, enthusiasm and often useful critical approach to some of the encountered problems and use it to generate extensive discussion of road safety, accessibility and various improvements in urban traffic systems with policy makers, road and traffic engineers, urban planners as well as expert researchers. The aim is to have youth remarks, ideas and request for changes to be considered and resulting in feedback in strategies and adjustments in urban policy development and implementation, oriented at mobility requirements of young city citizens. If youth is addressed in a proper manner they can take an active part in policy development clearly stating mobility needs and other ideas about clean and sustainable urban transport but there has to be clear vision for installing direct dialogue and communication platform for both parties.
Tasks of project partners
ATI erc’s role within the project will be the development of the concept for Baltic youth summer camps and their overall coordination of implementation. Every project partner will be responsible to arrange a youth summer camp in his city. Furthermore ATI’s responsibility is in cooperation with the project partners the development of the project communication and dissemination towards the public. The Lithuanian partner is responsible for the monitoring and recommendations delivery to policy makers. The Self- government Agency for Promotion and Culture in Szczecinek (SAPIK) is the Lead partner of the project and has the overall responsibility of the project. SAPIK is mainly doing the project management and coordination.
Baltic youth summer camps in Greifswald, Klaipeda and Szczecinek
To cope with this challenge project wants arrange series of summer camps involving young people from Poland, Lithuania and Germany in the age between 14 and 18 to take part in urban cycling rides exploring and investigating urban space. Baltic youth summer camps are planned in Greifswald, Germany, Klaipeda, Lithuania and Szczecinek, Poland. In the Greifswald case we will collaborate closely with the municipal planning and building department (Stadtbauamt) of the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald as well as with the Technology Center Vorpommern (TZV).
Youth will jointly conduct urban research concerning aspects of accessibility, traffic safety, missing elements of urban infrastructure, poor communication solutions and other relevant reflections that they may have on existing traffic realm in their cities.
Information collected will serve youngsters to present their proposals for changes in the context of urban transport using various youth like manner means of data presentation. Each summer camp envisages on site meeting, identifies and involves politicians, administration and other stakeholder representatives who are going to familiarize with youngsters reflections, listen and act when addressed by youth.
The South Baltic Cross-border Co-operation Programme is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
For more information visit www.bayintrap.eu.