The Interreg project CTCC (Creative Traditional Companies Cooperation) focused on the structural strengthening of the SME sector in the Southern Baltic Sea region, in particular through the targeted cooperation and implementation of joint pilot measures with the creative industries as well as the exploitation of the know-how of creative professionals in traditional companies. The importance of the creative industries as an economic sector and innovation driver is expanding steadily and offers enormous growth potential. This was successfully tested on a regional level and applied in more than 30 realized prototypes. As associated project partners, 35 institutions and authorities from the entire Baltic Sea region were on hand to advise the project consortium.
INTERREG South Baltic Programme published information to 2nd Call for Proposals
The second call for proposals under the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 will be launched between 9 May and 17 June 2016. The JS is offering individual project consultations.
For more information:
INTERREG Baltic Sea Region opened Second call for applications
The second call for applications of the INTERREG Baltic Sea Programme opened on 1st of March. It covers the priorities 1 (Capacity for innovation), 2 (Management of natural resources) and 3 (Sustainable transport) and will be opened till 1st of June.
INTERREG Central Europe Programm comes up with second call for project proposals which opens in April 2016
A second call for project proposals will be launched before the end of April 2016 still. This call will again be open to all programme priorities and specific objectives but organised in a single-step procedure. Related documents including a revised application manual will be published at the official launch of the call.
More news:
35 projects approved in the first call of INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programm
The first call for applications in 2015 resulted in 35 approved projects contributing to Programme priorities 1 (Capacity for innovation), 2 (Efficient management of natural resources) and 3 (Sustainable transport). Applicants preparing proposals for the second call are encouraged to get acquainted with the current project portfolio of the Programme to enable synergetic effects and to avoid potential overlaps. Summaries of all projects are available,while the key information is also compiled in a printable table. The information covers name and acronym, Lead Partner and the country it represents, as well as the topline of what the project is about.
Altogether, EUR 90 million out of EUR 264 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) have now been allocated to these projects.
Especially good news is the approval of a follow up project of the successful „MarTech LNG“ Project implemented within the last funding period 2007 -2013.
Again the ATI erc gGmbh will be on board and engaged in fostering business development and strengthening value chain in LNG business in the project „Liquefied Natural Gas value chain for clean shipping, green ports and blue growth in the Baltic Sea Region (Go LNG)“ (More News soon!).
• Lead partner: Klaipeda Science and Technology Park, Lithuania
• Project partners: 5 DE, 3 DK, 3 LT, 3 SE, 2 PL, 1 EE, 1 NO
• Total budget: EUR 3.3 million
MarTech LNG Workshop in Karlshamn − Natural gas is the future
MarTech LNG Workshop as download available here
Seminar in Klaipeda on the 27th of February 2014 „Terminal and tank farm automation day Klaipeda“
More information is available on project MarTech LNG, news
The workshop of the project „MarTech LNG“ in Rostock attracted a great deal of interest from 9th to 10th of January 2014
More information is available on project MarTech LNG, news
EU-Project „MarTech LNG“ Invitation to the event: „Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) as business opportunity for enterprises in the South Baltic Region“: Exchange of experiences and maritime training at Technology Center in Rostock-Warnemünde on 09.-10.01.2014
The company ATI erc gGmbH with company seats in Schwerin and Wismar as well as the University of Applied Sciences Wismar are German project partners together with partners from Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania and Poland within the European project „MarTech LNG“. It is about business opportunities for enterprises in the South Baltic Region through Networking and marketing of liquid natural gas products in all parts of the supply chain.
Within the frame of the South Baltic Programme the German project partners offer two seminars at 09th and 10th of January 2014 at the Rostock-Warnemünde Technology Center. On 9th of January there will take place an LNG Exchange of experiences and on 10th of January a Maritime Training will take place.
The scope of the first day is to bring together LNG stakeholders, to give presentations about current LNG projects in Germany, Poland and Lithuania, to discuss future chances for companies through the use of LNG as fuel for ships in the Baltic Sea and to give the opportunity to network between players of the maritime industry, to exchange experiences and to get to know each other.
On the second day the Polish project partner from the Maritime University of Szczecin and the Lithuanian project partner from the Klaipeda Shipping Research Centre will provide a Maritime Training with a ship simulator. They will deliver basic knowledge on LNG as ship fuel as well as teach ship steering principles, LNG carrier and tugs cooperation, emergency situations and safe practices procedures of LNG driven ships. The second day will take place in English language only.
Registrations can be done until 27th of December 2013 at ATI erc gGmbH or Wismar University. Both events will be free of charge. The registration can be done at the contacts within the agenda via email, fax or phone. More information about the project activities you can find at the Website:
Here you can find the agenda for both events as download in English language.
We would be delighted about your interest and your participation in both seminars.
The MarTech LNG − team
agenda as download available here
BalticAirCargo.Net − study is finished now, August 2013
The ATI erc works as a partner in the Interreg-Project BalticAirCargo.Net, which will end in September 2013. Our main tasks was to carry out a study „integration of SME�s into air cargo supply chain in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern“.
You can find the study and further project information on our website:
Baltic.AirCargo.Net − End of the project, Project results, 09.09.2013
Today has been the officially end of the Interreg project Baltic.AirCargo.Net. The German partners High Competence Network e.V. and Scheller Systemtechnik GmbH developed a prototype for a web-based air freight cooperation system during the project framework. This system works as an electronic market place between logistics service providers and manufacturers to find new and efficient ways of transport. Furthermore, the project partners developed a so-called „flying trucks“ concept for the participating regions − a concept of replacement air freight transport between airports. With this concept, air cargo can be moved more efficiently to road transport.
For more information visit
Baltic.AirCargo.Net − Closing conference of the Interreg-project −
Wismar 28./ 29.08.2013
More than 40 participants from nine countries participated at the closing meeting of project in the rooms of technology and industrial center e.V. Schwerin/Wismar at „Alten Holzhafen Wismar“, on the 28. and 29 of August 2013. The three years running project will end in September 2013. The Hochschule Wismar- University of Applied Sciences was the lead partner. The project had a total budget of 3 million euro and was partly financed by the European Union. 13 partners from 9 countries worked intensely together to show better perspectives for the future of the air cargo market in the Baltic Sea region. The success of this project is emphasized by following outcomes: the provision of a web based prototype of an air cargo cooperation and �information system, a network agreement about the continuation of the project partnership in the future and new marketing concepts for regional airports in the Baltic sea region under consideration of the „Flying Trucks“ concept. A highlight of the public closing conference was the signing of a cooperation agreement, the so-called „Network Agreements“ by the partners of the Baltic.AirCargo.Net. This agreement includes the development of the air cargo network and the planning of joint activities.
For more information visit
„Wirtschaftssalon“ at Parchim airport in June 2013
Within the framework of the Baltic Air Cargo Net project and leadership of Wirtschaftsf�rderungsgesellschaft S�dwestmecklenburg GmbH at 21.06.2013 the Wirtschaftssalon took place at the Parchim airport area. The other German project partners Wismar University, Scheller GmbH Wismar and ATI erc gGmbH attended the event too. The main target of the meeting was to bring together enterprises from the logistics and transport branches and to inform them about the future opportunities of Parchim airport as air cargo location. The Chinese owner Mr. Pang and his consulter Mr. Knan gave an outlook to their future plans. The extension of the apron and reconstruction of the runway and the tower will be finished in the middle of 2014. More information events for interested companies are provided by the airport and the organisers.
A press article by the SVZ from 27.06.2013 in German language is available here:

„Wirtschaftssalon“ Parchim airport, 21.06.2013
ATI erc gGmbH is project partner in the EU-project „More Baltic Biogas Bus“ in the Baltic Sea Region Programme which started in June 2013.
Based on studies within the previous „Baltic Biogas Bus“ project „More Baltic Biogas Bus“ will be invest in biogas bus infrastructure and test more biogas buses in the Baltic Sea Region. ATI erc gGmbH will be responsible for publicity for the project results and to spread the knowledge on biogas buses. A project description is available under:
EU-project Martech LNG partners visited in April 2013 the exhibition and conference „LNG 17“ in Houston, Texas, USA
13 members of the EU project MarTech LNG from Germany, Poland, Denmark and Sweden visited the worldwide biggest liquid natural gas fair „LNG 17“ in Houston, Texas / USA in April 2013 to learn more about the American energy policies and the liquid natural gas development at the world market. Also representatives of ATI erc gGmbH participated at the study trip to Houston. Among others the Martech LNG project was presented within a business meeting with the American company United LNG. Moreover new business contacts could be established.

EU-project partners of MarTech LNG at the LNG 17 in Houston, Texas
Baltic Air Cargo Net − Air Cargo Workshop at Katowice airport, Poland, 23.04.2013
Representatives of ATI erc gGmbH took part in the air cargo Workshop und Partnermeeting of Baltic Air Cargo Net-project in April 2013 in Katowice. The workshop was organized by the polish project partner − the „Institute of aviation“ Warsaw − in cooperation with Katowice airport. Presentations by the project partners and representatives of the 7. EU-research programm „Cargo Map“ from Italy, Hungary and the Netherlands were part of the agenda. A guided tour round the airport site rounded off the programme.

Workshop and partnermeeting, Katowice airport, 23.04.2013
ATI erc gGmbH is project partner in the EU-project „BAYinTRAP − Baltic Youth influencing Transport Policies“ in the South Baltic Programme which started in January 2013.
The Project was approved under the Priority Axis 2: Attractiveness and Common Identity, Measure 2.4: Local community initiatives. With the project runtime it is planned to organize youth summer camps with workshops to participate young people in transport policies in three countries. In Germany the youth summer camp will take place in the city of Greifswald. More information will follow soon.
ATI erc gGmbH is project partner in the EU-project „Southern Baltic TechnOlympics“ in the South Baltic Programme which started in January 2013.
The Project was approved under the Priority Axis 2: Attractiveness and Common Identity, Measure 2.4: Local community initiatives.
The webside of the project is
Project events and activities will be published there.
ATI erc gGmbH was attending the 66th German-Polish Entrepreneurs' Forum in Grimmen, Germany on 05.12.2012.
The Forum was organized by Pomerania e. V. Europe region. About 100 German and Polish guests were attending the Entrepreneurs' Forum with the topic „the opportunities of the energy change and their challenges for economy and politics“. ATI erc gGmbH was presenting the activities within the European projects in the field of renewable energies with an information stand. More information is available under the following link:
ATI erc gGmbH is project partner within the Baltic Sea Region Programme project „Baltic Air Cargo Net“ since April 2012.
More information is available on project Baltic Air Cargo Net, project information
ATI erc gGmbH is project partner of the South Baltic Programme project
„MarTech LNG“ since January 2012.
More information is available on project MarTech LNG, project information
Energy Cluster Initiative „renewable energies and energy efficiency“ has been finished successfully
Along with the Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference in Lilleström, Norway the Final Conference of the cluster initiative was carried out under the leadership of the Technical University Berlin on 20.09.2012. The cluster initiative compiled a policy paper on fundings to prolong the energy cluster after the official finish of the pilot project. The policy paper was presented by representatives of the cluster at the Hanse-Office in Brussels on 27.06.2012. Among others a member of the European Parliament was attending the presentation. The cluster proposed the inclusion of cluster projects and master cluster projects into the next funding period of the Baltic Sea Region Programme. The future cluster projects should contain the implementation of solutions to increase energy efficiency by using renewable energy sources. Moreover a test run for measuring the CO� emissions in one cluster project city is another suggestion. More information as well as the policy paper are available under the following link:
Since November 2011 ATI erc gGmbH is project partner within the Energy Cluster Initiative
The first cluster pilot project within the Baltic Sea Region Programme was started in November 2011. With support from the JTS 8 European projects are building a cluster considering renewable fuels and energy efficiency. The energy cluster will run from November 2011 till December 2012. The aims of the cluster are to build a network, dissemination of common project results, a meeting in Brussels and a final conference in Oslo.